A Simple Herb for Fever with Dadap Serep
"The dadap serep (Erythrina) is often used as a tropical garden plant. This plant has many benefits and is known to cure various diseases. Of its many benefits, the plant is often used to reduce fever. Then how to use it?"Published by : administrator - 27/02/2020 16:37 WIB
1 Minutes read.
Fever is a condition when the body temperature increases above normal temperature. Fever leads the body to feel weak, headaches, dehydration and shivering. Those body responses are the immune system’s way of fighting infection.
To reduce fever, usually a person chooses over-the-counter drug drugs such as paracetamol, aspirin, naproxen and many more. However, for those of you who want to choose to use natural ingredients, you might need to you use dadap serep (Erythrina subumbrans).
Dadap serep has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect that reduce fever. Its content can fight viruses and bacteria causing the fever.
For the purpose, find 2-3 dadap serep leaves then wash them clean. Puree the leaves and add the juice of 1 lime. After that, put it on the forehead until it dries. Do it repeatedly 3 times a day until the fever subsides.
Wahyu, Ami dan Ulung Gagas. 493 Resep Ramuan Herbal Berkhasiat Untuk Cantik Alami Luar Dalam. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama