
Acaraki Golden Sparkling, Sipping the Healthy & Refreshing Contemporary Jamu

Acaraki Golden Sparkling is packaged like a fizzy drink in general. The packaging is gold with batik ornaments and the ...[More]

A New Wave of Jamu at Acaraki

The word jamu is believed to have come from the Old Javanese language: Djampi and Usodo. Djampi means prayer, while ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 20 May, 2020

B2P2TOOT to Open Collaboration for Jamu Promotion

Popularizing jamu is not only B2P2TOOT’s task. Cooperation of each stakeholder is required in accordance with their respective roles and ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 19 Mar, 2020

Sipping A Cup of Refreshing Saranti at Acaraki

Anytime you go to Jakarta, don’t forget to stop by at Kota Tua! My friend’s message always resonated when I ...[More]