
Aromatherapy to Supplement Alzheimer’s Treatment

"Quoted by alzi.or.id, every 3 seconds 1 person suffers from Alzheimer. In 2016, around 1.2 million Indonesians had Alzheimer."

Published by : Wahyu untara  -  14/08/2024 10:53 WIB

3 Minutes read.

Alzheimer disease causes a decrease in a person’s intellectual and social abilities. It is caused by a buildup of abnormal substances that interfere brain signals traffic between nerve cells. In general, people with Alzheimer’s will experience a gradual decline in their cognitive power over time.

Here are some obvious symptoms of Alzheimer.

  1. Memory problems
  2. Focusing Difficulty
  3. Having difficulty in doing daily activities
  4. Disorientation
  5. Difficulty in understanding visuospatial
  6. There was a communication breakdown
  7. Put things out of place
  8. Wrong decision
  9. Withdraw from associations
  10. Behavior and personality changes

Alzheimer sufferers have to be treated with medical treatment. However, there are things you can do to support medical treatment. They can have complementary therapy using aromatherapy. For this purpose, you can use lemon aroma therapy.


Alzheimer sufferers have to be treated with medical treatment. However, there are things you can do to support medical treatment. They can have complementary therapy using aromatherapy. For this purpose, you can use lemon aroma therapy.

The therapeutic aroma of lemon can affect the nervous system and reduce the rate of growth of Alzheimer’s in the sufferers. Quoted from  today.mims.com, patients who did aromatherapy with lemon develop better conditions, as their interaction began to make sense.

For practical purpose, you always can n buy lemon aroma therapy at your nearest convenience store, but you can always make it ourselves at home as well. Here’s the recipe.


  • 1 lemon, cut into wegdes
  • 3 stem Rosemary
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Orange peels
  • 500 ml of water

How to make

  1. Boil water
  2. Add in lemon wedges, rosemary, vanilla, and orange peels
  3. Simmer over low heat
  4. Stir until the water boil and the ingredients mix together
  5. Pour into a small container

For the therapy, you can apply it on the sufferers’ skin and let them inhale the aroma. Or you can also use a diffuser to convert it into steam.








