Get To Know The History Of Ayurveda, The Oldest Alternative Medicine In The World
"Alternative medicine Ayurveda originated in India. Various sources say this medical treatment has existed since 3000 and even 5000 years ago. Actually, the concept of Ayurveda is not to cure, but to maintain the balance of the body to avoid illnesses "Published by : Wahyu untara - 02/10/2024 13:02 WIB
3 Minutes read.
Alternative medicine is medicine that is not from the mainstream sources. Generally, a majority of people still won’t recognize it as a medical treatment. However, there are not a few alternative treatments that are very popular and trusted by quite a lot of people. One of them is Ayurvedic alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine Ayurveda is an ancient medicine originating from India. Quoted from the page, Ayurveda began to be developed more than 3000 years ago. The foundation of Ayurveda is the belief that health and wellness are based on a balance between mind, body and spirit.
As an alternative medicine, Ayurveda promotes a healthy lifestyle, not to eradicate disease. But in its development, Ayurveda can still be used to treat various types of illnesses.
The concept of health in Ayurveda emphasizes that everything in this universe, whether living or nonliving, is all connected to each other. When the mind, body and soul are in harmony with the universe, then the person is healthy. When something disturbs the balance of these 3 components, the person will get sick.
Some of the things that may disturb harmony include genetic factors, birth defects, injuries, climate change, age, and emotions.
In the concept of health of Ayurveda, humans are formed from the five elements that exist in the universe, namely, air, water, fire, earth, and space. The five elements will form three life energies called doshas.
Setiap manusia memiliki campuran acak dari ketiga dosha, biasanya ada satu dosha yang lebih dominan daripada yang lainnya. Ketiga doshas yang dimaksud adalah;
Every human being has a random mix of the three doshas, usually one dosha is more dominant than the others. The three doshas are the followings;
- Vata Dosha (Sky & Air)
Ayurveda masters believe this dosha is the strongest of the three. This dosha controls the basic functions of the human body, including how cells divide.
Vata Dosha regulates the mind, how to breathe, blood flow, and heart function. This dosha also regulates the human ability to excrete waste from the intestines. The causes of this dosha imbalance are fear, loneliness, staying up late, and overeating.
People with this dosha are prone to anxiety disorders, asthma, heart disease, skin problems, and arthritis.
- Pitta Dosha (Water & fire)
This dosha controls digestion, metabolism, and hormones that regulate appetite. Pitta Dosha can be disturbed if we eat too many sour and spicy foods. In addition, this dosha can be disturbed if exposed to sunlight for too long.
People with pitta dosha are prone to heart disease, hypertension, inflammation of the digestive system, and infections.
- Kapha Dosha (Water & Earth)
This third dosha controls muscle growth, body strength, stability, weight and immunity. Kapa Dosha balance can be disturbed due to sleeping too long during the day, often eating sweet and salty foods.
People with Kapa Dosha are prone to asthma, respiratory disorders, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
Ayurvedic Therapy
To perform therapy, ayurvedic healers will make treatment techniques according to the dosha of each patient. Usually the treatment regimen consists of blood purification, massage, use of essential oils, and herbs.
The goal of ayurvedic therapy is to rid the body of food that is difficult to digest. The cleansing process is called panchakarma, the goal is to restore harmony and balance in life.