
Hi Moms, Make Your Own Breast Milk Booster with Daun Katuk!

"Insufficient breast milk production is a main factor for the cessation of exclusive breastfeeding. In other hand, breast milk is critical for the baby's growth and development. For this reason, breastfeeding mothers should consume food stuff rich in nutrients to boost their breast milk production. One of such stuff is daun katuk"

Published by : Wahyu untara  -  22/04/2024 09:15 WIB

X Minutes read.

From generations, daun katuk  (katuk leaves, sweet leave or star gooseberry) is believed can increase breastmilk production. In Java, Katuk are often found in the yard. This Plant with Latin Sauropus Androgynus L.Merr contain papaverine, 49% protein, 14-18% fiber, Vitamins A, B, and C, minerals such as potassium 2.77%; phosphorus 0.61%; 0.55% magnesium and 199 ppm iron. Daun katuk also contain steroids and polyphenols which can increase levels of breast milk-releasing hormones. In addition, daun katuk can help providing the mineral needs and increase the immune system of nursing mothers.

For the purpose, you need to boil enough daun katuk. Filter the water, let it sit for a while to cool down, and drink the herb. It’s that simple. Daun katuk can also be consumed in various other forms, you can eat it as dishes, soup, stir-fry, juices and others. But keep in mind, don’t overcook daun katuk, because it can cause unhealthy side effects for our body.


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