
Kunyit and Asam Leaves for Sprue

"Anxiety and stress may trigger sprues. In addition, sprue will also appear more easily when the body's resistance lowers. You can use tamarind leaves to prevent it."

Published by : Wahyu untara  -  08/04/2024 09:39 WIB

0 Minutes read.

Sprue often appear when the body’s resistance decreases or there is a lack of necessary nutrients in the body. However, there are other cause of sprue, there are other reasons like irritation, trauma, lack in maintaining oral hygiene, or certain foods.

You can find various sprue-reliever and supplements, ranging from drops to preventive supplements supposed to increase our immune system.

In fact, there are many handy natural ingredients for sprue. For example, you can use paste of tamarind leaves, kunyit (turmeric), and lime for sprue. This jamu contains various nutrients for our bodies, from vitamin C to curcumin, which can keep our immune system optimal. Here is the recipe for you.


  • 1 handful of tamarind leaves
  • 5 cm turmeric
  • Palm sugar to taste
  • 1 lime
  • 4 glasses water

How to make:

  1. Wash the tamarind leaves, turmeric, and lime clean
  2. Cut all ingredients, including palm sugar
  3. Boil all ingredients until the water left 2 cups water
  4. Strain the water into a glass
  5. Wait for it to cool down
  6. Drink 2 times a day

An easy recipe, right? Along for healing sprue, you also get other benefits from this jamu.



Suparni, Ibunda., Wulandari, Ari. 2012. Herbal Bali: Khasiat dan Ramuan Tradisional Asli dari Bali. Yogyakarta: Rapha Publishing.

https://health.detik.com/berita-detikhealth/d-4468127/kunyit-dan-segudang-manfaatnya (diakses pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2019)

https://www.alodokter.com/bebas-rasa-perih-dan-nyeri-dengan-obat-sariawan-alami (diakses pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2019)

https://www.fimela.com/beauty-health/read/3739208/yuk-menguak-5-manfaat-daun-asam (diakses pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2019)