
Not Just a Weed, Krokot Has Many Benefits

"It’s no wonder that the United Nations’ WHO listed Krokot (purslane) as one of its priority plants lists, as it has various good minerals and vitamins for our body"

Published by : Wahyu untara  -  12/08/2024 10:18 WIB

3 Minutes read.

Krokot (purslane, Portulaca Oleracea) is no mainstream garden plants. Most people even regarded as weeds (as it grows almost at any places). They probably leave it alone just from its lovely and colorful flowers.



Locally, mainly in the past Java, krokot is quite popular among children. They used the plant as food for the crickets they cared for. Apart for the crickets, some of their parents also uses krokot as an ingredient for their pecel dishes. Over time, through various studies it was found that krokot was not only a weed or wild plant. It turns out that it has mineral and vitamin good for treating various diseases.

Sumber gambar: worldofsucculents.com

As quoted from satuharapan.com,  several studies have been conducted to test the efficacy of krokot. Scientists of the Surabaya State University showed krokot extract has the property to inhibit aureus bacteria. While the Sam Ratulangi University researchers found that krokot extract can protect the skin from sunburn.

Along with those two benefits, krokot also still has several other benefits, such as:

  1. Cures dysentery
  2. Cures acute diarrhea
  3. Cures appendicitis
  4. Cures breast inflammation
  5. Prevents vaginal discharge
  6. Prevents urinary system disorders
  7. Maintaining Heart health
  8. Loses weight
  9. Maintaining healthy skin
  10. Inhibits tumor growth
  11. Improves blood circulation

According to  jogja.tribunnews.com, krokot leaves have a high omega-3 content. In addition, krokot also contains potassium salts, dopamine, dopa, nicotine, tannins, acids, and vitamins A, B, and C. The many minerals and vitamins that make krokot have many benefits for our body.



Suparni, Ibunda, dan Ari Wulandari. 2012. Herbal Nusantara: 1001 Ramuan Tradisional Asli Indonesia. Rapha Publishing. Yogyakarta.



