
Alamanda, The Allergy-Inducing Flower

Published by : administrator  -  27/08/2020 09:03 WIB

0 Minutes read.

Alamanda flowers are perennials that live climbing or creeping with a height of 3 m or more. Therefore, the natural flower is also used as a hedge plant. Alamanda flowers have black stems (if old) and the young shoots are light green. The leaves are single taper-shaped with a length of 5-10 cm and a width of 2-4 cm. In general, the leaves are gathered facing each other 3-4 strands. The flowers are bright yellow and shaped like a trumpet. Alamanda flowers also have a fragrant smell.


Image source: farihah27.wordpress.com

Alamanda flowers contain toxic compounds that affect the health of the body. The stem and root bark contain plumericin and isopleuricin, while the leaves contain b-amyrin and ursolic acid. In low doses, Alamanda flower leaves can overcome bowel difficulties. However, when used in high doses it can cause severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The sap is also irritating to the skin, inducing itchiness or allergies.

Therefore, for those of you who have Alamanda flowers in your yard, be careful so that the sap does not touch the skin. Even more, if there are small children, don’t let them toyed with the plant.


Departemen Kesehatan RI Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. 2009. Mengenal Tumbuhan Berbahaya di Sekitar Kita. Tawangmangu: Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obatan Tradisional


Mengenal Tanaman Berbahaya di Sekitar Kita

Gangguan Kesehatan Akibat Tanaman Berbahaya

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