Bir pletok emerged during the Dutch colonial administration. At that time the Dutch aristocrats had a habit of serving beer, ...[More]
Basically, dark armpits are caused by our own lifestyle. Without realizing it, the habits that we often do, turn out ...[More]
Kolang-kaling comes from the seeds of the aren (Arenga pinnata). In Indonesia, the tree has several names, including ‘hana’, ‘pululuk, ...[More]
Quoted from, it is stated that bathing has several scientifically proven benefits. For example, improving heart health, relieving muscle ...[More]
Vitamins are one of the important components for skin rejuvenation. Vitamins are also often used in raw materials for making ...[More]
Dangerous plants can cause unpleasant effects, health problems, and even death because they contain certain chemical hazardous compounds. These compounds ...[More]
Talas (taro) is a tuber that grows in mainland Africa, America, and Asia. In Indonesia, this plant which has the ...[More]
Ubi jalar (sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas) is a native of South America. In Indonesia, ubi jalar is also known as ...[More]
Singkong (Cassava, Manihot utilissima) is the tuber of the cassava tree that thrive almost anywhere locally in Indonesia. Singkong was ...[More]
Traditional medicine or natural medicine are medicines that are processed in traditional ways and the raw materials are completely taken ...[More]