
Badan POM to Holds Indonesian Herbal Innovation Downstreaming Exhibition

"According to Penny K. Lukito, Head of the BPOM RI, Indonesia's potential must be continuously monitored so that it can be developed by researchers, so that it can meet the increasing demand for traditional medicines and health supplements from natural ingredients. Indonesia has many varieties of medicinal plants. potential for development, which is much larger than other countries."

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  20/02/2020 08:23 WIB

2 Minutes read.

Did you know that Indonesia has no less than 30,000 species of plants and marine resources? So, do not be surprised if Indonesia can become the largest exporter of herbal medicinal products in the world. But in fact, about 9,600 species of plants and animals that are known to have medicinal properties have not been used optimally as herbal medicines.

To be able to compete in the global arena, Indonesia needs to provide space for researchers of medicinal plants to produce quality and competitive herbal medicines. Research in the field of herbal medicine has been widely carried out, both in educational institutions such as high schools and colleges as well as other research institutions, but only limited to fulfilling the curriculum without developing further research results.

“Many have researched, but there is limited space for product development, so that it has not become a commercial product that can be sold,” said Penny K. Lukito.


Head of BPOM, Penny Lukito is visiting the 2020 Indonesian Herbal Innovation Downstream Exhibition booth

Penny K Lukito said that the BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, National Agency of Drug and Food Control) has several priorities in the next four years, including assistance in research and commercialization of domestic medicines and food products, institutional strengthening, accelerating public services, and strengthening international credibility.

“The POM agency assists starting from research, downstreaming to commercialization, making research results into domestic medicinal and food products that are not only the host in their own country, but also for exports,” she said.

This is the basis for holding the 2020 Indonesian Herbal Innovation Downstreaming Exhibition event on 19-20 February 2020 at Balai Kartini Jakarta. This activity is expected to encourage researchers from academia to be more enthusiastic in their work and explore the natural resources of Indonesia which are rich in medicinal plants. Not only increasing knowledge, this event also provides an opportunity for researchers in the field of herbal medicine to be able to inform and promote their research results to business actors and the public.

The 2020 Indonesian Herbal Research Exhibition includes a series of events, namely an educational stage to increase the knowledge of the public and the millennial generation, business meetings for researchers and business actors, public service consultations with the POM Agency, as well as scientific seminars with speakers from within the country and abroad such as Kohei Homma, Ph.D. researchers from Amino Research, a leading producer of research-based raw materials in Japan.