

A Brief of Kemangi Plant

During our lunch with grilled chicken or fried chicken, we often find kemangi leaves as a complement or salad. The ...[More]

3 Simple & Healthy Takjil Menu for Iftar

Iftar often makes our appetite go ‘crazy’ and pay no attention to the nutrient’s intake of our body. Although sweet ...[More]

#, #, #, #, #, # - 06 May, 2021

5+ Safe Ways to drink Jamu during Fasting

Basically, there are no restrictions on consuming jamu during fasting, as stated by dr. Ingrid Tania in live with jamupedia ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 04 May, 2021

Not just for Salad, Kemangi has Many Benefits for Health

Kemangi (lemon basil, Ocinum sanctum) is a herb often served along with cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage as vegetables. Even so, ...[More]

#, #, # - 08 Dec, 2020

Jamu and Herbs to Overcome Health Problems for Older People

In book The Green Science of Jamu by Martha Tilaar, it is explained that menopause is an aging process caused ...[More]

Postpartum Jamu for New Mothers: Is it necessary?

The happiness in welcoming the long-waited baby is often accompanied with several suffering conditions, such as stomach pain, heartburn, or ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 01 Dec, 2020

Is Kerokan OK? Here’s Tips to do It Safely

A common and safe part of the body for kerokan (It means, literally, ‘rubbing’) is the back. Usually, the kerokan ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 23 Sep, 2020

Srigading Herb to Prevent Worms

Srigading (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, also known as night jasmine), a native Nepal plant, is found in many tropical and subtropical countries. ...[More]

#, #, # - 18 Sep, 2020

Mawar to Boost Body Endurance

Mawar (rose) is a universal flower. It often represents affection or love. It can easily be found at the nearest ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 17 Sep, 2020

Kelor Leaves Clear Soup to Boost Breast Milk Production

Unproductive breastmilk is a problem often experienced by many new mothers. There are various ways to overcome the problem, from ...[More]