
Tahlil Coffee, a Benefit-rich Warm Drink from Pekalongan

"As the name suggests, Tahlil Coffee is a spice-laced coffee drink that was initially made as a treat for tahlilan participants in Pekalongan, Central Java. "

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  12/01/2025 10:41 WIB

3 Minutes read.

Tahlil coffee (Kopi Tahlil) is one of Indonesia’s herbal culinary treasures. Unlike other coffees, Tahlil Coffee is made with a special blend of spices so that the coffee has a warming and refreshing effect on the body. Tahlil coffee is particularly popular in Pekalongan, Central Java. The popularity of this coffee is inseparable from the habit of Pekalongan residents holding Tahlilan to pray for the recently deceased or serves as a form of getting closer to the God Almighty.


Tahlil coffee has the typical look of coffee. There are the usual original and milky coffee variants. However, when tasted, a spice sensation pops up from Tahlil Coffee that is not found in regular coffee. The spice flavour comes from a mixture of ginger, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, pandanus, lemongrass stalks, and nutmeg. From the mix of various spices, Tahlil Coffee surely has various properties, ginger can warm the body and strengthen the immune system. Cloves can kill bacteria, overcome ulcers, and become an antioxidant. Nutmeg is also good for treating ulcers, as well as improving digestion and sleep quality. Lemongrass can also act as an antioxidant, fight bad cholesterol, and relieve flatulence.

As the name suggests, Tahlil Coffee is a speciality of tahlilan, particularly in Pekalongan. Tahlilan is an event to pray for people who have recently passed away or there are those held regularly as a means of remembrance to God Almighty.

History of Tahlil Coffee

It is not known exactly who started using Tahlil Coffee as a treat during Tahlilan. However, the coffee with the distinctive flavour was originally made by people living in the Arab Village in Pekalongan.  Tahlil coffee not only serves as a treat during Tahlilan but there is a cultural acculturation purpose in it, combining the cultures of Javanese and Arab descent in Pekalongan.

Pak Usman’s Tahlil Coffee

Often served at community gatherings, Tahlil Coffee is now a culinary specialty that is widely sold in Pekalongan. Pak Usman (Mr Usman), however, claims to be the first seller of Tahlil Coffee. Based on a report on the Discover Pekalongan website, Pak Usman’s Tahlil Coffee has been running since 2002.

sumber: Youtube

Pak Usman’s Tahlil Coffee is now sought after by customers from even outside Pekalongan. Pak Usman admitted that he got this recipe after attending tahlilan in his village. Due to the high demand from residents for him to make Tahlil Coffee, Pak Usman finally decided to sell Tahlil Coffee. Pak Usman sells it on Jalan Pati Unus, Sugihwaras, East Pekalongan. Tahlil coffee is a speciality at angkringan (street food stalls) in Pekalongan.

Making Tahlil Coffee

Unlike conventional coffee, if you want to make Tahlil Coffee, you must first prepare the boiled water of the spices. As usual, put mash ginger, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, pandan, lemongrass stalks, brown sugar and nutmeg into a pot of water, then boil. The water is then used for brewing black coffee. Friends can add milk if desired. As a special note, the coverage from Travel Detik mentions that the nutmeg used in Pekalongan Tahlil Coffee is usually nutmeg from Saudi Arabia, which is claimed to give it a different flavour.

Now, due to its growing popularity, many jamu sellers have made instant Tahlil Coffee and sold it on various online platforms.