
The History & Role of KOJAI in the Indonesian Herbal Industry

"Having started as an association of jamu entrepreneurs, KOJAI now continues to actively embrace and educate jamu entrepreneurs to plan educational tour packages in Kampung Jamu."

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  14/01/2025 09:55 WIB

0 Minutes read.

KOJAI is an acronym for Koperasi Jamu Indonesia. Its purpose is to serve as a forum for jamu entrepreneurs in Sukoharjo, Central Java. KOJAI continues to actively educate jamu entrepreneurs in Sukoharjo so that they are not only able to produce and distribute superior quality jamu, but also pass various administrations according to applicable regulations. Using the basic principles of cooperatives, KOJAI becomes a companion as well as an actor of the people’s economy.

History & Roles of KOJAI

It should be noted that KOJAI and GP Jamu are two different organisations. Quoted from a thesis entitled Fungsi dan Peran Koperasi Jamu Indonesia (KOJAI) Terhadap Industri Jamu di Sukoharjo Tahun 1995-2012 (The Function and Role of the Indonesian Jamu Cooperative (KOJAI) towards the Jamu Industry in Sukoharjo in 1995-2012), by Triyatno, 2016, KOJAI since the beginning has gathered jamu entrepreneurs, guided, and held briefings on how to produce healthy, safe, and good jamu. In addition, guidance was also provided to jamu gendong sellers.

sumber: KOJAI

KOJAI was officially incorporated on 30 July 1995. The chairman was Suwarsi Moertedjo with 30 jamu entrepreneurs as members. By 2009 the membership had grown to 72 members. In 2005 KOJAI received trust in the form of APBD funds and revolving funds from the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs.

The cooperative, located on Mayor Sunaryo Street, Gawanan, Sukoharjo, has a vital role in the development of the jamu industry in Sukoharjo, Central Java. KOJAI makes it easier for the government to maintain the quality and control system of jamu producers. In addition, it is also a companion for jamu entrepreneurs when they want to apply for an official licence from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

KOJAI is actively assisting and channelling criticism and suggestions from jamu entrepreneurs so that they are heard by policy makers. As published on the Radar Solo website, at the end of May 2021, the chairman of KOJAI Sukoharjo, Suwarsi Moertedjo, expressed complaints that new entrepreneurs in the jamu industry found it difficult to apply for licences at BPOM. One of the causes of this difficulty is the requirement for pharmacists. The new jamu entrepreneurs feel that the number of pharmacists in their area is still minimal. On that occasion, Suwarsi suggested that the pharmacist requirement could be lowered to D3 pharmacy level only.

sumber: kabarku.net

From the report came the opportunity for discussions between business people and stakeholders in the government. In this case, the stakeholder in question is the Sukoharjo District Health Office (DHO). From the proposals that triggered the discussion, policies often emerged that made it easier for jamu entrepreneurs to level up.

In the past, home-based jamu entrepreneurs considered product legality to be less important. But through education and understanding conducted by KOJAI, now jamu entrepreneurs, whether small or medium scale, have considered product legality as the main thing.

KOJAI is also one of the parties who contributed to the realisation of Kampung Jamu Nguter (Jamu Village Nguter) in Sukoharjo. Through intensive cooperation with the Ministry of Health, KOJAI together with jamu entrepreneurs and residents succeeded in realising Kampung Jamu which was inaugurated in 2012.

KOJAI is also actively participating in various exhibitions to expand the marketing of jamu. Several exhibitions that were participated in included the Indonesian Spice Travel Exhibition held in 2020, then the exhibition during the National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Kadin) in 2018.

Now, one of KOJAI’s latest breakthroughs is to finalise the concept of educational tourism in Kampung Jamu. According to Suwarsi’s statement to Solopos.com last May, the educational tour route was prepared starting from Nguter Station then to Jamu Market and on to Kampung Jamu. Participants can see the jamu production process from the beginning to the packaging process.