
Herbs to Boost Your Appetite

"Illnesses cause appetite to decrease. Apart from illness, the influence of drugs, mental disorders, stress and pregnancy are also other causes of a person losing appetite. A decreased appetite has bad impact on the body, especially our immune systems."

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  13/01/2025 09:58 WIB

2 Minutes read.

The immune system will automatically weaken when our appetite decreases. In such conditions, our bodies become susceptible to diseases. The reason is the imbalance of the intake of nutrients needed by our bodies. Our elders left a legacy of jamu ingredients to increase appetite in a safe and natural way.

The jamu are made from galangal, fennel, temulawak (Java ginger, Curcuma zanthorrhiza), meniran (chamber bitter, Phyllanthus urinaria) and honey. The mixture of these ingredients is believed to to increase our appetite, without harmful side effects to the body.

To make the appetite-boosting jamu, you just need to boil all the ingredients. After that, strain the water into a glass. Wait until it is warm before you drink it. You can drink the jamu once a day. In addition to increasing appetite, this jamu also has other good properties for our bodies.



Suparni, Ibunda., Wulandari, Ari. 2012. Herbal Bali: Khasiat dan Ramuan Tradisional Asli dari Bali. Yogyakarta: Rapha Publishing.

