Chewing Kencur To Cure Gastritis
"Acute maag (gastritis) sufferers often experience terrible stomach pain. It’s like someone stabbing the stomach into excruciating pain. To make it worse, it is often accompanied by headaches and nausea. If you don’t pay enough attention to the problem, it might get worse day by day. If it didn’t have the right treatment, it could get severe and even lead to death "Published by : administrator - 29/10/2019 10:27 WIB
2 Minutes read.
The cause of gastritis is easily recognized. Our stomach is acidic. Thus, foods with high acidity levels will cause stomach acid levels to rise. In addition, consuming excessive coffee, alcoholic drinks, stress smoking, fatigue and irregular eating habits can also trigger gastritis.
Image source: koleksi pribadi
Since long time ago, our elders deal with gastritis with kencur/aromatic ginger (Kaempferia galangal). This spice contains properties able to relieve pain in the stomach. For the purpose, find a thumb of kencur, peel, and wash it clean. Then chew the kencur, sip and swallow the juice.
If the taste of kencur is too strong and unpleasant, you can try the second options. Use half a teaspoon of cumin. Mash both until smooth, then pour hot water. Wait for it to cool slightly, and drink it while it’s warm. You may drink this jamu every day so to avoid gastritis.
However, no matter how many herbs and medicines you drink, it will not matter if you don’t change your lifestyle. Start limiting eating spicy and fatty foods, caffeinated drinks, and start to have a good eating habit!
Khoirul, Teguh M; fa, Arifah. 2010. Sapu Bersih semua Penyakit Dengan Ramuan Tradisional. Yogyakarta : Citra Media