
Daun Sirih and Daun Randu, the Effective Duo to Relieve Coughing

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  21/01/2020 10:07 WIB

0 Minutes read.

Cough is one of the most common types of illness, especially during the pancaroba (seasons’ transition). As quoted in the alodokter.com,  article, the virus causing cough can last longer during the seasons’ transition. That is what causes some people to cough for quite a long time.

Fortunately, our elders inheriting us herbal ingredients to get rid of cough problems with ingredients easily available around us. One of the herbs includes a combination of daun sirih (leaves of betel, Piper betle L) and daun randu/ (leaves of kapok, Ceiba pentandra). Both of these leaves have been tested from generations as effective ingredients to treat cough.

The herb of daun sirih and daun randu are recorded in the book Jamu Jawa by Pringgohusodo S. The book states the recipe and how to make it. You find 15 pieces of daun sirih and daun randu. Add palm sugar to taste. See the details here.

  1. Boil the daun sirih and daun randu leaves in half a liter of water
  2. Strain the water into a cup, and add enough palm sugar
  3. Wait until warm.
  4. Drink 4-5 times every day until the cough subsides.



Pringgohusodo,S. 1980. Jamu Jawa Gejala Penyakit dan Obatnya. Yogyakarta: CV Nur Cahaya https://www.alodokter.com/cara-mudah-atasi-batuk-berdahak-di-musim-pancaroba