
Health Problems Due to Dangerous Plants

"A plant is dangerous to humans if it has bad effect on human health. The danger can be through direct contact or by accidentally consuming the dangerous plants."

Published by : administrator  -  20/10/2024 10:08 WIB

4 Minutes read.

Dangerous plants can cause unpleasant effects, health problems, and even death because they contain certain chemical hazardous compounds. These compounds certainly cause different reactions in the body. The following unpleasant effects are from touching or consuming dangerous plants!

  1. Allergies

An allergy is a reaction to the skin and it often cause itchiness. Allergies generally occur in people with sensitive skin. Mushrooms, algae, pollen on some types of flowers can cause allergies. Things to cause allergies are often small and invisible that are easily carried away by the wind. In addition, there are also many plants that can cause allergies, either because they are eaten or just come into contact with them. Some examples include thorns, hairs or feathers that grow on the surface of leaves and stems and a horny layer on the surface of plants. Allergic reactions also vary from person to person, depending on the concentration of the irritant and the duration of direct contact. Some are allergic only last briefly, within a few minutes, to a few days. Several types of plants that have the potential to cause allergies include leaves of lateng (Laportea ducumana), thorns of pandan bali (Cordyline australis) leaves tips, and bamboo stem fluff.


Image source: https://tirto.id/


  1. Mouth and Esophagus Irritation

Some plants contain certain active compounds, if eaten raw can cause a burning sensation in the mouth or throat because they contain calcium oxalate which is insoluble in water. Not only those problems, plants containing resin and protoenemonine groups cause bubbles and swelling in the lips, tongue, esophagus, and digestive tract. The plants include talas (Colocasia esculenta), keladi (Caladium), sri rejeki (Aglaonema), pilodendrom and so on.


Image source: manado.tribunnews.com


  1. Stomach Irritation

Plants containing lycorine alkaloids and glycosides can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea as these contents enter the stomach. If swallowed in large quantities it can cause vomiting accompanied by blood. Plants that trigger this allergy include bunga torong (Solanun melongena L), bakung (Crynum asiaticum L.), bunga lilin (Pachystachys lutea L.) and several families of legumes.


Image source: www.honestdocs.id
  1. Diarrhea

Plants to cause diarrhea are plants that contain active compounds such as saponins, resins, taxin, and protoanemonins. Saponin compounds are generally owned by almost all plants. These saponins can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The parts of the plant that contain saponins cause severe gastroenteritis. The plants include buah tinta (Phyllanthus reticulatus), jarak kepyar (Ricinus communis L), biji bengkuang (Pachyrhizus erosus), biji munggur (Samanea saman), dan buah rerak (Sapindus rarak De Candole).


Image source: lifepack.id
  1. Nervous System Disorders

Consumed poisonous plants or direct contact can cause nervous disorders such as depression, convulsions, and hallucinations. The effects of depression are generally in the form of a single reaction from one plant only. The plants include jamur payung (toadstools), buah ake (Blighia sapida), and pine sap smoke. The convulsive effect is caused by abdromedotoxin, veratrin, taxine solanine and soluble axalate compounds in some plants. The plants include juniperus, tansy, and vita plants. While the hallucinatory effects are caused by heroin, hydromorphine, hydrochloride, and morphine compounds. The plants include marijuana, opium and morning glory.

  1. Liver Function Disorders

Liver function disorders caused by plants are rare. Generally, the effects of liver damage are secondary effects of consuming plants contaminated with fungal contamination. However, some plants also contain active compounds that have the potential to cause damage to liver cells. Such as compounds hypoglocine A, B-methylene-chlorophyll-l-a-amino-propionic acid and hypoglocine B. Plants containing these compounds include pecutan (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis), sikas (Cycas) dan ake.

From the description above, we can see that poisonous plants are dangerous for health. Therefore, we must be very careful in consuming food, especially those from plants. But first, of course, you also have to know what are dangerous and harmless plants. Well, for that, read the following article on types of dangerous plants!



Departemen Kesehatan RI Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. 2009. Mengenal Tumbuhan Berbahaya di Sekitar Kita. Tawangmangu: Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obatan Tradisional


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