
Jamu as the Habit of Its Enthusiasts

"Jamu is an intangible cultural heritage to be preserved. The younger generation must take part and be at the forefront of this effort. It would be easy if every young generation made jamu not just a drink, but as a habit that was built with full awareness. It's true, not everyone can enjoy jamu because most think it has bitter taste. In fact, it is the bitterness that makes jamu effective."

Published by : administrator  -  21/02/2020 14:36 WIB

1 Minutes read.

She knows jamu from her mother. Her name is Stefana, a woman from Solo who would like to spend her old age in Tangerang. The Jamupedia team met her at a jamu kiosk at Pasar Gede Solo. Stefana, who was buying herbal ingredients, told her routine about making jamu for daily consumption.

Since this beautiful woman has known jamu. She tries to make a jamu compounds inherited from his mother. Technological developments that bring YouTube make it easier to recognize the various spices, the raw materials for making jamu. She firmly holds her determination to return to this traditional drink.


Not only prefers, but now she also considers consuming jamu as her habit. Because, for her drinking jamu can nourish the body and give other good effects. Not only that, jamu also do not give side effects like chemical drugs even though they are consumed every day. The jamu she usually consumes is her own concoction of kunyit asam.

“I usually make it myself, Ms. Like this, I grate it and soak it for 6 hours. If I make it in the morning, I will drink it in the afternoon, if I make it in the afternoon, I drink it at dusk,” Stefana said.

She also responded to what extent young people today are familiar with herbal medicine. According to her, packaging that is more attractive, simple, and ready to serve can be an attraction for millennial children to look at herbal medicine again. In addition, the presence of additional extracts displayed in the packaging can also encourage young people to return to traditional treatments.

A jamu enthusiast is the right name for Stefana. Because, not only enjoy and understand a lot about jamu, this woman also grows some jamu ingredients in her yard, such as kencur (aromatic ginger), red ginger, temulawak (white turmeric), and many others. However, she also admits that the plants are not as fertile as the existing medicinal plant from the farmers.