
Jamu and Herbs to Overcome Health Problems for Older People

"Menopause is a phase that women experience when they enter old age phase. During the transition to the menopause period, generally women will suffer discomfort, from headaches to difficulty sleeping."

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  08/12/2020 09:05 WIB

3 Minutes read.

In book The Green Science of Jamu by Martha Tilaar, it is explained that menopause is an aging process caused by reduced estrogen hormone in the body. This process increases a woman’s risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. When entering the menopause period, a woman will experience certain symptoms, including:

  1. Irregular period, even there is no period at all.
  2. Increased body temperature and sweating a lot.
  3. Night sweats.
  4. Emotional disturbances.
  5. Decreased concentration, headache, stiff, sleeping difficulty.


Image source: youplushealthusa.com

To overcome or relieve the uncomfortable impact of this problem, women entering the phase can take certain medicines or consume jamu. In general, menopause can be relieved by consuming soybeans. Isoflavones in soy can mimic the role of the female hormone estrogen, which functions to reduce the risk of emotional disturbances and discomfort in the body.


Image source: www.klikdokter.com

Along with soybeans, older people is suggested to consume ginger, turmeric, and temu giring (Curcuma heyneana). The three types of rhizomes can keep blood flow smoothly. They are also good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and soften the skin. In addition, ginger can also solve the problem of dementia when combined with gotu kola and tapak liman/elephant’s foot (Elephantopus scaber).

In terms of overcoming the problem of dementia, ginger plays a role in improving blood flow to all organs of the body. Gotu kola plays a role in improving the brain’s circulatory system so that the circulation of nutrients is better, and improves cognitive function and memory. While tapak liman plays a role in increasing hemoglobin levels in old age people.


Tapak liman

Sleeping difficulty is also a problem of old age people. To solve this problem, you can combine gotu kola, lempuyang/bitter ginger (Zingiber zerumbet), and nutmeg. These three ingredients can overcome fatigue and muscle fatigue, so that the body remains in shape. In addition, lempuyang and gotu kola also improve blood flow.



However, before consuming some of the rhizome and herbal combinations above, there is nothing wrong if you consult your doctor first. This needs to be done to determine the state of health of the body and reduce the side effects that may arise when consuming those ingredients.



Tilaar, Martha. dkk. 2010.The Green Science of Jamu. Dian Rakyat. Jakarta