
Jamu Sinom, Fresh and Full of Benefits

"Jamu sinom is made from tamarind fruit or leaves and sinom (young tamarind leaves). These two ingredients complement each other, the taste is fresh and has amazing properties"

Published by : administrator  -  12/11/2019 11:25 WIB

3 Minutes read.

Sometimes jamu sinom is not only made from those two ingredients. Jamu sinom can also be mixed with turmeric, temulawak/Java ginger (Curcuma zanthorrhiza), nutmeg, and brown sugar. It has sour yet refreshing taste, leaving no traces of bitterness like any other jamu.

“… jamune enak, kecut-kecut seger,” (“… the jamu is delicious, the sourness is most refreshing,”) said many people. It’s no wonder that jamu sinom is very popular with people, especially women. The properties in jamu sinom are believed can slim the body.

Jamu sinom can be enjoyed warm or cold, by adding it with ice or storing it in the refrigerator first. Consuming jamu sinom in the morning is believed to provide many benefits to the body, including:

  1. Antiseptic

Jamu sinom acts as antiseptic, so that it can overcome the symptoms of fever and chills.

  1. Antioxidant

Antioxidants are efficacious to ward off free radicals and also increase immune system.

  1. Get rid of masuk angin

Jamu sinom also good at get riding of masuk angin, as well as relieve dizziness and nausea.

  1. Reduces period Pain

Women often suffer from period pain. Consuming jamu sinom can relieve pain and facilitate menstruation.

  1. Relieve Constipation

Consuming jamu sinom with a little sugar is believed to help facilitate digestion.

  1. Blood Sugar Control

Jamu sinom is also believed to control blood sugar levels, so maintaining its normal blood sugar levels.

  1. Lowers Blood Pressure

The property of jamu sinom can smooth out blood circulation so that the blood pressure in the body becomes normal.

  1. Relieve Breathing

Jamu sinom is also good for asthma sufferers. Because it can smooth out the respiratory tract and reduce shortness of breath.

  1. Lose Weight

The hydroxycitric acid content in jamu sinom can lose weight.

  1. Fighting Colds

Tamarind in jamu sinom has antihistamine properties that help prevent colds and flu

It’s also easy to make jamu sinom. You can check on the following JamupediaTV Youtube Channel.

Easy isn’t it? Don’t forget to subscribe, comment and like. Not only does it contain many benefits, the freshness of jamu sinom (especially the cold one) can also be a refreshing thirst quencher.



Suparni, Ibunda; Wulandari, Ari. 2012. Herbal Nusantara: 1001 Ramuan Tradisional Asli Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Rapha Publishing
