Jamu Topical Medications (3): Lengkuas Herb to Relieve Itchiness
"Various kinds of skin problems such as acne, ringworm, warts, fungal skin, and herpes can afflict anyone. Even though it sounds like a mild disease, the arising sensation of burning and itching always tempt the hand to always scratching and eventually lead into small wounds which would present other problems. To relieve the problems, you can apply lengkuas-bases herbal "Published by : administrator - 10/02/2020 08:52 WIB
2 Minutes read.
Lengkuas (galangal) or in Javanese called ‘laos‘ is usually used as a cooking spice. Lengkuas has a spicy and sharp aroma that can give a distinctive taste to dishes, especially when combined with bay leaves -the dishes become even more delicious.
Many don’t know that lengkuas can also be used as a medicine for skin problems. Galangal contains about 1% essential oil, calories, carbohydrates, protein, total fat, and vitamin C. In addition, the content of flavonoids in lengkuas can boost the effect of vitamin C and antioxidants on the body (things that can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi).
Here’s how to use lengkuas for treating skin problems.
- 40 g galangal
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 tsp. vinegar
How to make:
Peel and wash lengkuas and garlic. Pound both ingredients into paste. Add the vinegar and heat for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a while until it is warm and then apply it on the affected areas. Do it morning and evening regularly until healed.
Some topical prescription drugs and their properties, friend, can you read the next article about herbal topical medicines.
You can find some other topical medications recipes and their efficacies from the following articles:
Mengenal Obat Topikal Herbal dan Macamnya
Keampuhan Daun Komfrey untuk Luka Memar
Dalimartha, Setiawan; Adrian, Felix. 2013. Ramuan Herbal Tumpas Penyakit. Cibubur: Penerbit Swadaya
Suparni, Ibunda; Wulandari, Ari. 2012. Herbal Nusantara: 1001 Ramuan Tradisional Asli Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Rapha Publishing
Tilaar, Martha, dkk. 2010. The Green Science Of Jamu: Pendekatan Pragmatik untuk Kecantikan & Kesehatan. Jakarta: Penerbit Dian