
Jeruk Nipis, Your Sourness Smooth Out My Journey

"Beautiful landscapes along the way. Small chats and jokes traded with each other in the vehicle. Food exchanged to further enliven the atmosphere. Oftentimes the most unforgettable moment to certain lovely spot is during the ride itself. However, what should you do when you suffer the annoying motion sickness?"

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  23/03/2020 10:34 WIB

2 Minutes read.

It is very uncomfortable feel, the motion sickness. Even more so if we travel using public transportation. All you can do is sit still and curse the nauseous feel silently. There are no words to just say hello to our sitting friends.

Now you don’t have to worry about all that annoyance anymore. There is a recipe to treat nausea during travel. Not the on-the-counter motion sickness medicine you always buy in pharmacies, but a simple ingredient from our elders, namely with two jeruk nipis (limes).

Lime juice can get rid of nausea due to motion sickness. But you need to remember, don’t drink lime juice without any additional ingredients. You can mix lime juice with water to reduce the sour taste. In addition, you can also add 1 tablespoon of pure honey to give it a sweet taste.

Well, Jamupedia friends, here is a recipe to get rid of motion sickness with lime.


  • 2 limes
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 250 ml warm water

Hoe to make:

  1. Slice the lime and squeeze the juice.
  2. Mix with warm water and honey.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Drink while it’s warm.

Before consuming this lime juice, you should have a full stomach. Because, consuming on an empty stomach will give an uncomfortable reaction in the stomach for some people.



Suparni, Ibunda dan Ari Wulandari. 2012. Herbal Nusantara: 1001 Ramuan Tradisional Asli Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Rapha Publishing.

