
Kencur and Its Distribution

"You probably have consumed jamu made from kencur ingredients, used it as a cooking spice, used kencur as a cough medicine and planted it in your garden. But, have you known the intricacies of kencur names in various regions and its distribution?"

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  10/02/2020 08:04 WIB

2 Minutes read.

Kencur/aromatic ginger (Kaempferia galangal) is one of most widely cultivated empon-empon (medicinal plants) in Indonesia. It also has good market prospects, because the community’s need for kencur is quite high. Kencur is known by several different terms in Indonesia. The names include Cekuh as kencur named in the Bali region, sikor in Kalimantan, tekur and ceuko in Aceh, asauli in Ambon, and ukap in Papua.


Kencur is easy to grow. No wonder this plant is spread in various regions in Indonesia, although the largest distribution is still in Central Java and East Java. Loose, fertile, and sandy soil is the most suitable medium for planting kencur. However, kencur is much more suitable for planting in areas with an altitude of 50 to 1000 meters above sea level.

Well, after reading the previous description, have you ever wondered where the real kencur came from? Yes, kencur is originating from India. The distribution of kencur is very wide and covers almost all tropical countries in Southeast Asia to North Australia. In fact, kencur rhizome has long been cultivated in the distribution areas of the spice.

Jamupedia friends, it doesn’t seem enough to explain kencur in just one article. So, please, see another article in the kencur series in more details:  the benefits, substance content, and properties of kencur in everyday life.

Series 2

Series 3

Series 4

Series 5

Series 6

Series 7



Muhlisah, Fauziah. 2012. Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA). Yogyakarta: Penebar Swadaya.

Pramudyo, Adi. 2018. Budi Daya, dan Bisnis Jahe, Lengkuas, Kunyit, dan Kencur. Jakarta Selatan: PT Agro Media Pustaka.

https://dosenpertanian.com/tanaman-kencur/ (diakses pada tanggal 11 November 2019)