
Lidah Buaya to Prevent Hair Loss

"Now we can find lots haircare products in the market, like shampoos, conditioners, vitamins, masks, and so on. Of course, those haircare products are based on the many hair problems that need to be addressed, one of which is hair loss."

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  08/05/2020 15:02 WIB

2 Minutes read.

Hair is man’s valuable ‘crown.’ The condition of the hair, healthy or not, will affect on physical appearance and self-confidence. No wonder many are willing to spend excessive amount of money to do hair care. Because healthy hair and loss-free hair is everyone’s dream, both men and women.

There are several causes our hair to fall out, including genetic factors, disturbed hair growth cycle, stress, excess vitamin A, vitamin B deficiency, protein deficiency, anemia, thyroid gland disorders, autoimmune diseases, and overuse of hair dryer.

After knowing the causes, we can minimize the hair loss problems. In addition to meeting the nutritional needs needed by hair, we can also prevent hair loss by using lidah buaya (aloe vera). Lidah buaya is well-known in the world of skin and hair beauty care. In fact, not infrequently aloe vera is the main ingredient in the manufacture of certain cosmetics.

It is easy to use lidah buaya for hair loss. You simply take a fresh lidah buaya flesh and then apply it on the hair to the scalp. If you cannot stand the smell of lidah buaya flesh, you can just use the mucus in the same way.



Tim Yayasan Pengelola Obat Tradisioal Indonesia. Jamu Jawa Asli Darmi. Jakarta: Lestari

