
Mawar to Boost Body Endurance

"Not only gorgeous and full of soothing fragrant, mawar (roses) also have benefits for our health. It boosts our body stamina"

Published by : Kurnia HD  -  18/09/2020 09:24 WIB

3 Minutes read.

Mawar (rose) is a universal flower. It often represents affection or love. It can easily be found at the nearest flower shops and perhaps many of Jamupedia readers here have roses in their yards as well.


Image source: www.kampustani.com

Along with its beauty, it turns out mawar also has health benefits. Mawar contains flavonoids to improve memory and mood. Mawar also contains high antioxidants which are believed to be able to get rid of free radicals. Furthermore, the flower is also high in vitamin C, geraniol and limonene.

To get the benefits of mawar, you can drink it as rose water. You may choose to use cold or warm water. Interested? Here is a recipe you can try at home.


Image source: https://shopee.co.id/


  • 4-5 mawar (large)
  • 250 ml water

How to make:

  1. Wash the roses
  2. Soak the roses in water for 2 hours
  3. After 2 hours, strain the rose water
  4. Drink 1 time a day



Suparni, Ibunda, dan Ari Wulandari. 2012. Herbal Nusantara: 1001 Ramuan Tradisional Asli Indonesia. Rapha Publishing. Yogyakarta.


