Mengkudu, Herbs with Myriad Medicinal Benefits
"Many say that noni can prevent cancer. That's not an unfounded claim. Noni does contain anticancer properties considered effective against abnormal malignant cells."Published by : Farida - 25/12/2024 09:01 WIB
2 Minutes read.
Mengkudu (Noni) is a fruit with scientific name Morinda citrifolia. This fruit is known to have an unpleasant odor and a very bitter taste. The spots on it also makes trypophobic people feel uncomfortable. Behind all the nasty taste and facades, noni has a myriad of medicinal benefits.
Noni grows a lot in Southeast Asian countries and Polynesian countries. It has been known for so many years as a medicinal fruit. Not infrequently the young leaves are used for cooking ingredients as well.
In general, mengkudu fruit and leaves have complete nutrients needed by the body. Mengkudu contains selenium, which is a great antioxidant. Terpenoids in mengkudu are able to quicken the recovery of body cells. The Scolopetin in mengkudu fruit is also effective for overcoming inflammation and allergies.
In ancient times mengkudu was one of the medicines to treat infections. That’s because the mengkudu fruit specifically has an active substance that can kill bacteria that cause infection. Not only ordinary bacteria, mengkudu can also control more deadly pathogenic bacteria.
Mengkud has important alkaloids, Xeronine and Proxeronine. In general, the percentage of xeronine in mengkudu is small, but has quite large proxeronine. These alkaloids will be absorbed by the body and activate dormant proteins in the body. It will also regulate the structure and shape of the active cell.
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Along with its many beneficial substances and nutrients, of course, mengkudu is efficacious in treating various diseases. Mengkudu is able to maintain cholesterol levels in the blood. Quoted from the Alodokter page, mengkudu extract can lower bad cholesterol (LDL, low-density lipoprotein) and triglycerides. This is good for those who are at risk of cardiovascular disease because it can reduce cholesterol in the blood vessels.
Not only bad cholesterol is eradicated, mengkudu can lower blood sugar levels and also keep blood sugar stable. Therefore, mengkudu is suitable for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.
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Mengkudu is effective for high blood pressure. Scolopetin substances in mengkudu fruit serves to regulate blood pressure. However, mengkudu cannot be used as a sole drug for hypertension. This is because in general, lifestyle will also greatly affect blood pressure. Mengkudu only acts as a supplemental herb for hypertension treatment.
Mengkudu is a boon for those of you who quit smoking or are forced to be around heavy smokers. The ability of mengkudu to repair damaged cells is needed for passive smokers or for those of you who have stopped smoking. page explains that exposure to cigarette smoke will produce free radicals. Excessive amounts of free radicals will cause cell damage and oxidative stress. This is where the mengkudu will act as a healer for damaged cells and eliminate oxidative stress.
It’s easy to get the myriad of benefits of mengkudu. You can make it juices or drink warm water previously steeped with mengkudu. However, sypu should not overconsuming mengkudu. To be safer, there is nothing wrong to consult a doctor or medical personnel around you first.