
Rice Substitute Series (1) "Jagung as a Rice Substitute and Its Distribution"

"Along wheat and rice, jagung is the most important carbohydrate-producing crop in the world. Corn-based processed foods can be found easily, from markets to malls. There are many traditional foods made from jagung. However, jagung can also be processed into modern foods, such as popcorn, a perfect companion for watching movies."

Published by : Wahyu untara  -  16/08/2024 10:07 WIB

2 Minutes read.

Jagung (corn) is a native of Central and South America and then spread to Asia, including Indonesia. In addition to being a substitute for rice, jagung is also used for animal feed, processed into cornstarch and various processed foods, such as sup bayam jagung (corn spinach soup), popcorn, bakwan jagung (corn bakwan), cereals, and many others.

Image source: thegorbalsla.com

Jagung, which is the most popular grain in this part of the world, can’t live wild in nature. Even so, jagung thrives in mainland Indonesia, from the lowlands to the mountains. The name of jagung in each region is also different, including ‘jagong‘ (Sunda, Aceh, Batak, Ambon), ‘jago‘ (Bima), ‘jhaghung‘ (Madura), ‘rigi‘ (Nias), ‘wataru‘ (Sumba ), ‘latung‘ (Flores), ‘gandung‘ (Toraja), ‘binde‘ (Gorontalo) and many others.

This sweet and savory jagung has extraordinary properties. It has a high carbohydrate content. Per 100 grams of jagung is equivalent to about 69.1 grams of carbohydrates, 9.8 grams of protein, 7.3 grams of fat, 2.2 grams of fiber. Jagung is also packed with various vitamins and minerals, such as 30 mg of calcium, 538 mg of phosphorus, 2.3 mg of iron, 79.3 mg of potassium, up to 3 mg of vitamin C. Not surprisingly, jagung can substitute rice. In addition to its contents, it is also good for health.


Image source: merryriana.com

What are the benefits? Here’s the short explanation.

  1. Jagung is high in sugar, but safe for blood sugar. Because, the main content of jagung is complex carbohydrates which also contain fiber and protein.
  2. Jagung is rich in vitamin C and B vitamins which play a role in repairing cells, immunity, maintaining eye health and having anti-aging properties.
  3. Jagung contains phenolic phytochemical compounds that function to maintain heart health and control high blood pressure.
  4. Jagung contains fiber to facilitate smooth digestion. In addition, eating a small amount of jagung can easily satisfy the stomach, so it is suitable for those who are on a diet.
  5. Jagung is able to support the growth of friendly bacteria in the large intestine and is also converted by these bacteria to become short chain fatty acids or SCAFs to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Although it is safe to be consumed as a staple food or side dishes, jagung also contains phytate substances that can inhibit the absorption of certain minerals in the body. That way, jagung can be processed according to taste and stored according to the recommended standards.



