Rice Substitute Series (4) "Ubi Jalar Fulfills Carbohydrate Needs of Rice"
"One of the basic human needs is food. Humans need food to meet the nutritional needs in the body and as a source of energy. The source of energy does not always have to be rice. There are many sources of carbohydrates that can be a source of energy and are healthier than rice, one of which is ubi jalar."Published by : administrator - 14/10/2024 09:39 WIB
2 Minutes read.
Ubi jalar (sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas) is a native of South America. In Indonesia, ubi jalar is also known as ketela rambat. It has high source of carbohydrates. Ubi jalar also have different names in each region, including huwi buled (Sunda), ubi Cilembu (Sumedang) and tela rambat (Java). Ubi jalar are used as a substitute for rice because they contain high carbohydrates, beta carotene, which can maintain a healthy body, and as bone-strengthening nutrients.
Sumber gambar: nakita.grid.id
Ubi jalar have a soft texture and sweet taste that allows them to be processed into various types of food preparations. In addition, ubi jalar also have many varieties, including Ubi Jalar Ungu, Ubi Jalar Orange, Ubi Jalar Putih, Ubi Jalarr Cilembu, Ubi Jalar Kalasan, Ubi Jalar Sari, Ubi Jalar Boko, and many others.
Apart from being an energy booster, ubi jalar also have other properties, namely a source of body fiber, preventing cancer, as an immune booster, improving digestion, treating diabetes, and lowering blood pressure.
As a substitute for rice, sweet potatoes can be processed into various types of food preparations such as the following.
Ubi jalar donuts
- Timus ubi jalar
- Biji salak
- Klepon ubi
- Kue talam ubi
- Ubi goreng keju
Image source: resepkoki.id
Unlike rice which requires special land and care, you can grow ubi jalar in your garden or yard. Ubi jalar can be cultivated by its stolons/stems. It is easy to to grow ubi jalar, here’s how to do it.
- Prepare vacant land/field.
- Take 2/3 of ubi jalar stems and stick them into the ground.
- Leave a distance of 30-40 cm for each plant.
- Water and fertilize only once a week.
- After 4 weeks, sweet potatoes can be harvested and ready to serve.