
Tapak Dara: The Curing Beauty, just Don’t Consume Too Much of It

"Tapak dara flower is often used as a supporting treatment for cancer. However, only a few people know that has this beauty can result in a decrease in the white blood count and lower body immunity and causing diseases if consumed continuously."

Published by : administrator  -  26/08/2020 08:32 WIB

2 Minutes read.

Tapak dara/Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) often serves as ornamental house plant. It is a native plant from South America and West India. In Indonesia, the tapak dara flower was first known at the same time when Portuguese came to Indonesia and then introduced as an ornamental plant. This flower is easy to grow in various types of soil and does not require special care. Tapak dara flowers are often found in lowland areas such as gardens, roadside areas, or river sides and gardens.


Image source: www.kompasiana.com

Tapak dara flower is a perennials plant that has a height around 60 cm. It has dark green leaves with a bright green underside, single, short stalk, lanceolate-shaped leaf blade with a pointed base. It has 1-4 white or pink flowers and is triangular in shape, while the stamens and pistil are wrapped in a corolla tube. Tapak dara also has pods with hairy surface, green or brown in color and contains many hard seeds.


Image source: https: https://gudangpenulis.com/

Along with being an ornamental plant, tapak dara is also efficacious as a medicine. In fact, some people use this tiny flowering plant as a remedy for several ailments. The tea can be used to relieve puffy eyes, lower sugar levels, and even cancer.

But unfortunately, the tapak dara plant can harm the body when consumed in excess. In America there was once a case of tapak dara leaves as a cigarette ingredient which caused hallucinations. The effect can cause severe dizziness and memory loss.


Departemen Kesehatan RI Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. 2009. Mengenal Tumbuhan Berbahaya di Sekitar Kita. Tawangmangu: Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obatan Tradisional


Mengenal Tanaman Berbahaya di Sekitar Kita

Gangguan Kesehatan Akibat Tanaman Berbahaya

Alamanda yang Bisa Bikin Alergi

Jangan Sampai Termakan, Daun Sri Rejeki Mengandung Racun 

Tembakau Bisa Jadi Obat Tetapi Jangan Dihisap