
5 Variations of Delicious Katuk Leaf Food Recipes: “Rolade Daun Katuk”

Published by : administrator  -  31/05/2020 14:00 WIB

2 Minutes read.

For the fourth daun katuk recipe is rolade daun katuk (the katuk leaves roll). Rolade is a steamed rolled-dish, cut crosswise like slices of rolled sponge cake and then fried to make it crispy. Rolade daun katuk with a mix of beef or chicken plus sausage will be your delicious dish.

Image source: cookpad.com

Like to make it yourself? Follow these steps.


  • A bunch daun katuk (sweet leave, Sauropus androgynus), 1/2 boiled
  • 3 pieces of chicken or beef sausage, cut into 8 parts
  • 1 egg
  • 4 pieces of white tofu (crushed)
  • 5 cloves of garlic (crushed)
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste

How to make:

  1. Mix all ingredients except sausage
  2. Taste the mix to your preferences
  3. Shape the dough into rolls
  4. Stuff the sausage on the inside
  5. Steam for 10 minutes
  6. Remove and cool
  7. Dip in beaten egg or flour mixture
  8. Fry for a while until golden brown
  9. Lift and serve



Cookpad: Rolade daun katuk. Trie Puji. 


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