
Katuk Plant Series (2): Katuk Leaves, Breastfeeding Moms' Best Friend

"Breast milk is important for babies’ growth. The milk also is important for their brain development. Children aged 0-3 experience a critical period known as the golden age. During this period, the number of cells in the brain will grow rapidly provided it is fed with enough quality breast milk. Consuming katuk leaves is an alternative to increase the production and quality of breast milk."

Published by : administrator  -  30/05/2020 18:42 WIB

2 Minutes read.

Katuk (Sauropus androgynus, also known as star gooseberry or sweet leave) leaves contain vitamin C higher than citrus’. Katuk also contains carotene and high protein which helps increase milk production. Those contents can help the growth of babies’ brain and tissues.

Katuk also has iron and vitamin E which are good for maternal health. Apart from being good for increasing breast milk production, katuk leaves also good for nursing moms’ health. Check out the following reviews.

  1. Maintaining Eye Health

The content of vitamin A in katuk can sharpen eyesight and maintaining eye health during pregnancy or even after childbirth.

  1. Maintain Body Metabolism

B vitamins in katuk can maintain the stability of the body’s metabolism, which is very important to keep the body from getting sick.

  1. Get rid of toxins out of the body

The chlorophyll content in katuk functions as a detoxification. It cleanses and remove toxins in the body.

  1. Source of oxygen in the body

The iron content in katuk can spread oxygen into the body, so that the baby can avoid the problem of oxygen deficiency.

  1. Prevents the flu virus

Katuk has ephedrine that can keep the influenza virus out of the body of a nursing mother.

Therefore, consuming katuk leaves and other nutritious foods will certainly maintain your health while breastfeeding and also help to increase the milk production, which in turn keeping the baby health and growth as well.



Widyanti, Elok. 2015. Tanaman Untuk Pelancar Asi di Sekitar Kita. Tawangmangu: Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obat tradisional

Halodoc.com (Diakses pada 12 Mei 2020)



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