5 Variations of Delicious Katuk Leaf Food Recipes: “Rolade Daun Katuk”
Published by : administrator - 31/05/2020 14:00 WIB
2 Minutes read.
For the fourth daun katuk recipe is rolade daun katuk (the katuk leaves roll). Rolade is a steamed rolled-dish, cut crosswise like slices of rolled sponge cake and then fried to make it crispy. Rolade daun katuk with a mix of beef or chicken plus sausage will be your delicious dish.
Image source: cookpad.com
Like to make it yourself? Follow these steps.
- A bunch daun katuk (sweet leave, Sauropus androgynus), 1/2 boiled
- 3 pieces of chicken or beef sausage, cut into 8 parts
- 1 egg
- 4 pieces of white tofu (crushed)
- 5 cloves of garlic (crushed)
- Salt to taste
- Pepper to taste
How to make:
- Mix all ingredients except sausage
- Taste the mix to your preferences
- Shape the dough into rolls
- Stuff the sausage on the inside
- Steam for 10 minutes
- Remove and cool
- Dip in beaten egg or flour mixture
- Fry for a while until golden brown
- Lift and serve
Cookpad: Rolade daun katuk. Trie Puji.
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