
Enjoy a Refreshing Bath with These 5 Natural Ingredients!

"Soaking in a bathtub is a refreshing way to relieve fatigue. Add bathroom decorations such as aromatherapy candles, soap bubbles, and music to make you more relaxed. However, have you ever tried dipping down in your bathtub in natural bathing products?"

Published by : administrator  -  23/10/2024 14:35 WIB

2 Minutes read.

Quoted from Brightside.me, it is stated that bathing has several scientifically proven benefits. For example, improving heart health, relieving muscle pain, balancing hormones, and much more. Moreover, you can even add or combining several natural stuffs to boost to the sensation. Along with its mental-invigorating effects, bathing with selected natural ingredients has benefits for skin health as well.

Image source: www.popbela.com

What are the natural bathing ingredients you should try?

  1. Milk

Adding 1 cup of milk when bathing can soften the skin. The protein and fat contained in milk provide a supple effect and help remove dead skin and create a smooth and shiny effect on the skin.

Image source: www.kompasiana.com
  1. Honey

Adding 2 tablespoons of honey to water can help smooth, moisturize the skin, and help the process of removing toxins from the skin. Honey is also believed to help prevent skin infections. In addition, honey also contains polyphenols as natural antioxidants to boost the immune system and inhibit signs of premature aging of the skin.


Image source: www.klikdokter.com
  1. Oatmeal

Add 1 cup of powdered milk, 1 cup of baking soda, 1 cup of ground oatmeal and 2 tsp of cinnamon to the water. This mix works to moisturize dry skin, relieve itching, and is a natural cleanser that will remove dead skin cells and dirt that sticks. Baking soda has a gentle effect on the skin, moisturizes irritated skin, and provides a silky-soft air sensation.


Image source: https://www.klikdokter.com/


  1. Tea

Add 1 cup of tea or 6 teabags to water works as an anti-aging, helps the detoxification process, adds nutrition to the skin and is able to balance the mind, body and soul. Tea has great antioxidant and antimicrobial qualities.

Image source: www.mottolino.com
  1. Lavender

Add 1 cup of powdered milk and 1 tablespoon of lavender oil to the water. The scent of lavender is really relaxing! So, it’s good for overcoming insomnia and stress relief. In addition, bathing with lavender can treat acne and itching because it works to cleanse and detoxify the skin.


Image source: www.100percentpure.com

That’s it, girls, your simple ingredients for a smooth and shiny hair. Like to try some?



Aprilia, Ade. 2019. The Natural Beauty Solution: Organics Skin & Hair Care Recipes. Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia

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