Finding Wellness Tourism Opportunities in Solo Raya
Published by : Farida - 13/06/2022 09:23 WIB
3 Minutes read.
Wisata kebugaran or also popularly referred to as wellness tourism is now increasingly being campaigned and slowly being developed. In the wellness tourism travel scenario compiled by the Ministry of Tourism in 2019, Solo Raya became one of the main targets for developing its wellness tourism potential.
What is Wellness Tourism?
What exactly is wellness tourism or this wisata kebugaran? firstly, we had to understand the meaning of the word bugar, according to the Kamus Besar Indonesia (Big Indonesian Dictionary), ‘bugar‘ means healthy and fresh (about the body). It can be concluded, kebugaran is different from health, kebugaran/wellness covers a wider area, namely one’s physical, psychological, and spiritual health.
The Ministry of Tourism through the electronic book Skenario Perjalanan Wisata Kebugaran di Joglosemar, Bali, dan Jakarta (Scenarios of Fitness Tours in Joglosemar, Bali and Jakarta), explained that wellness tourism is a planned trip to certain places that visitors do in a temporary period with the main activity related to wellness to get a better quality of life. In wellness tourism, the health of the body, soul, and mind is the main target.
Solo Raya (Solo, Sukoharjo, Boyolali, Klaten, Wonogiri, Karanganyar, and Sragen) has great potential to develop wellness tourism. Especially if it is carried out continuously with the six local governments in Solo Raya.
Solo Raya has many heritages in terms of art, culture, medicine, traditional medicine, to botany. All of that can be maximized to support wellness tourism.
Jamu from Kampung Jamu Nguter, Sukoharjo, is a good option for jamu tourism. Tourists can learn everything about jamu, from raw materials, manufacture, to consuming jamu. The efficacy of jamu is closely related to our wellness.
An alternative wellness services such as traditional massage which are widely available in Solo can also be improved, standardized, so that later the services may become one of the wellness tourisms routes.
Pasar Gedhe Solo is a spot for all traditional things. The unique market atmosphere, traditional cuisine, and spice traders are able to attract tourists, both domestic and abroad.
The wellness tourism potential of Karanganyar Regency is also no less qualified. Apart from being geographically very suitable for meditation tourism, Karanganyar also has a research center for medicinal plants. We can learn about jamu at the Rumah Riset Jamu Hortus Medicus (Hortus Medicus Herbal Research House) and then there is the Rumah Atsiri (Atsiri House) where we can get to know more about essential oils, aromatic plants, and so on.
The traditional body care culture from the keraton (Javanese palace) can also be an option for wellness tourism. It can be integrated with body care service providers or hotels in Solo Raya.
Wellness Tourism in Europe
Considering on the areas that first promoted wellness tourism, namely the European Continent. The page revealed that in 2017, people on the European continent made the most wellness tourism trips in the world. In that year, there were 292 million wellness tourism trips made by people to the blue continent. The trip is estimated to cost no less than 211 billion US dollars. The turnover of money in wellness tourism is predicted to continue to increase by 5.5% per year or could reach up to 275 billion US dollars in 2022.
The Herritage Hotel of Europe page reveals travelers with wellness goals have a tendency to spend more money than those who only travel casually. These tourists believe they will return to being fitter in mind, body, and mind after returning from a tourist trip.
There are many wellness tourism destinations in Europe, some of the famous ones are Budapest in Hungary, Tuscany in Italy, and Lisbon in Portugal. These three locations are famous for their hot springs and natural spas, each of which has its own characteristics and uniqueness.