Department of Jamu Poltekkes, The Archipelago’s Keepers and Developers of Jamu
"Jamu is an Indonesian culture that we should maintain from time to time. For the reason, with the existence of the jamu department at the Poltekkes, hopefully we can develop and introduce jamu to the public," said Indarto to the Jamupedia team that afternoon"Published by : administrator - 06/01/2021 09:10 WIB
3 Minutes read.
Indonesia is a producer of the basic ingredients of jamu. The country has been exported the products to many countries. The practice of traditional healing is also still has a place in the hearts of the Indonesian people. Therefore, Poltekkes Surakarta (Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta, Health Polytechnic Surakarta) introduced the Department of jamu which is the first and only major in Indonesia. This jamu department was established not only to maintain the nation’s traditions but also to meet the needs of traditional health workers. As the only jamu department in Indonesia, the Department of jamu at Poltekkes Surakarta plays an important role in maintaining and continuing the local wisdom inherited from our ancestors.
The department which was initiated in 2011 is currently led by Indarto, S.Pd, M.Kes. Since its establishment nine years ago, the department of jamu has produced three classes of the majors that have received certificates from the Ministry of Health that allow them to open independent practices. He also said that in a year the jamu department can graduate 100 ahli madya (middle experts). Most of them work in the jamu industry, beauty clinics and some work in B2P2TOOT as jamu workers.
Herbal products by students of Poltekkes Jamu Surakarta
The lessons given were not only about making jamu, but also about the use and efficacy of medicinal plants, traditional health services, herbal medicine compounding, scientific applications, and many others. Indarto hopes that in the future this jamu graduate can contribute in the field of health services such as health centers, clinics, and hospitals. That way chemical treatment and jamu can go hand in hand. Indarto continued that basically, jamu is a form of prevention from various kinds of diseases, while chemical treatment is a way to maintain and heal from disease.
Students majoring in jamu are also required to make herbal products, such as beauty and fitness products. Some examples such as face masks from traditional ingredients, aromatherapy, sunblock (sunscreen), soap, shampoo, lotion and many more. These products will be exhibited during the department’s competency test.