Residents of Kampung Jagalan DIY Distribute Free Hundreds of Jamu for Body Immune
"Independently, residents of Kampung Jagalan, Purwokinanti Village, Pakualaman, Yogyakarta, made hundreds of glasses of jamu for the body's immune system and then distributed them free of charge to local residents"Published by : Farida - 05/10/2022 17:01 WIB
3 Minutes read.
The Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to many stories about the increasing popularity of jamu. This is related to the efficacy of jamu that is proven to increase the body’s immune system. In addition to the jamu centers that were flooded with orders, there is a unique story about residents in a village in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) who independently produced hundreds of glasses of immune-boosting jamu which were then distributed free of charge to local residents.
The residents who independently produce the free jamu are residents of Kampung Jagalan, Purwokinanti Village, Pakualaman District, Yogyakarta City, DIY. This unique story happened in April 2020 when cases of Covid-19 transmission in Indonesia were still very high.
Quoted from the page, the gotong royong activity to make jamu was carried out on Wednesday, April 8 2020. The main goal is to make immune-boosting jamu for residents in Kampung Jagalan. A strong immune system helps protect the body from the spread of Covid-19.
Kampung Jagalan is a dense area located along the Code River. The residents’ houses are quite close together so that the village is vulnerable to Covid-19 transmission. Therefore, residents there not only apply strict health protocols, but also try to fortify themselves by regularly consuming jamu.
According to one of the community leaders of Kampung Jagalan, Dwi Saryono, this activity is a collaboration with the residents of the Disaster Response Village (KTB, Kampung Tanggap Bencana). The ingredients used to make herbal medicine are also very easy to find and are commonly used by local residents.
Saryono said the ingredients used were ginger, kencur (aromatic ginger, Kaempferia galangal), turmeric, temulawak (Java ginger, Curcuma xanthorrhiza), cardamom, cloves, lemongrass, cinnamon, and lime leaves. Saryono also expressed his hope that the jamu distribution activity could be carried out every day in order to maximize the community’s immune system.
Because at that time the pandemic condition was still worrying, the residents assigned to cook jamu were very limited. Most of those who cook jamu are mothers and are limited to five people. Citing Media Indonesia, Head of RW 01 Jagalan areas, Elisa Agus Setiyono, said that in a day, they can consume 5 kg of ginger and 2.5 kg of other ingredients.
This self-help movement is not only an activity of distributing ready-to-drink immune-boosting jamu, but also distributing raw materials that have been cut into portions. Later residents are expected to boil the jamu independently.
Elisa added, in addition to trying to make jamu to be distributed free of charge during the pandemic, the residents of Kampung Jagalan also routinely spray disinfectants in the village environment. These activities are carried out independently by the residents.
Drinking Jamu During the Pandemic Is in Accordance With The Government’s Advice
The movement carried out by the residents of Jagalan Village is in accordance with the government’s advice through the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health, in 2020, circulars were sent to all local governments regarding the appeal for the use of traditional medicine to deal with the pandemic. Traditional medicine in question includes jamu, standardized herbal medicine, and phytopharmaceuticals.
In the circular letter, all Indonesian people are encouraged to use traditional medicine as a form of health maintenance, prevention, and treatment.
In the circular, the Ministry of Health also warns that the use of traditional medicine must comply with applicable regulations. For branded herbal products, they must already have a distribution permit from BPOM.
In addition, traditional medicine is not recommended for emergencies and situations that have the potential to endanger a person’s life.