
7+ Best Sahur and Iftar Vegetables for Breastfeeding Mothers

"Ramadan Fasting is certainly a challenge for breastfeeding mothers. For almost 13 hours of fasting, they certainly do not get any nutritional intake into the body. On the other hand, their babies need breast milk as the main source of their growth and development. For the reason, Moms need to meet the needs of breast milk by eat nutritious food at sahur (suhoor) and iftar. "

Published by : administrator  -  27/05/2020 14:20 WIB

3 Minutes read.

Choosing the right nutritious foods is a must for breastfeeding mothers. This even more important in this pandemic time, when body needs extra endurance than usual days. For the purpose, Jamupedia have provided several nutritious vegetables for breastfeeding mothers so that their breast milk still produces well, even during fasting in this unfortunate pandemic time.

1. Katuk leaves

It has been proven that katuk (Sauropus androgynus, also known as star gooseberry or sweet leave) can increase breast milk production. Katuk leaves contain high enough chemical compounds such as calcium, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A, B, C, lactagogum, carotene and iron. Katuk leaves can be processed into stir-fry, clear soup plus sweet corn, bobor soup and many others.


2. Red Spinach

Spinach thrives in warm climates and strong light. Besides having a green color, this vegetable also has a red color. Red spinach (Amaranthus dubius) also can increase breast milk production, because it contains calcium, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A, B, C and K, iron, folic acid, phosphorus, and fiber. Red spinach leaves can be processed into vegetables, salad, and others.

Image source: www.harianmerapi.com


3. Cassava leaves

Cassava is a tropical plant with soft and fragile stems. This plant contains a source of calcium, carbohydrates, protein, fat, phosphorus, vitamins A, B17, C and iron which can increase breast milk production. Cassava leaves are often processed into stir-fry, cassava tofu rolade, bobor soup, and fresh vegetables.

Image source: www.sonora.id


4. Mung Beans

Mung beans grow almost all over Indonesia, both in the lowlands to an altitude of 500 m above sea level. Mung beans can help to smooth out milk production, as they contain calcium, protein, minerals, phosphorus, fat, and vitamins B1 and B2. Mung beans can be processed into porridge and pudding. In addition, mung beans also is tasty for healthy drink.

Image source: resepkoki.id


5. Daun kelor (Moringa leaves)

In Java, once, moringa is only known as a mystical hedge plant because it is believed to be able to get rid of ghost or magical spells. The leaves are also used to bathe dead bodies. However, it turns out that Moringa leaves also work well as to boost breast milk production, because they contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, B-Carotene, potassium, and vitamin C. Moringa leaves good for bobor soup, clear vegetables, and as stir-fry ingredients.


6. Pare (bitter melon)

Pare (Momordica charantia) is often found growing wild in empty land and also in the gardens. Pare contains protein, vitamin K, lycopene, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and is rich in fiber. Because of the content, bitter melon is also able to promotes milk production for nursing mothers. Pare is often cooked into vegetables, stir-fry, and mixed in other dishes.

Image source: www.99.co


7. Papaya Leaves

You might only know that from a papaya tree, you can only get a fruit that’s good for digestion. But, apart from the fruit, you could also use the leaves. Papaya leaves are good as breast milk booster, as they contain protein, sugar, vitamins A, B, C D, folic acid, carotene, carbohydrates, and essential oils. You can process the leaves into stir fry recipe, buntil (Javanese dishes), urap (Javanese kind of salad), fresh vegetables, and juice.

Image source: http://lombokita.com/


8. Broccoli

Similar to papaya leaves, katuk leaves, moringa leaves, broccoli can also increase breast milk production and support the growth and development of babies. Some of the ingredients and vitamins found in broccoli, such as protein, vitamins A, C, B6, E, K, folfic acid, fiber, potassium and iron. Broccoli is often processed into stir-fry, soup, and mixed vegetables in various other dishes.


Image source: www.minews.id


Widayanti, Elok. 2015. Tanaman untuk pelancar ASI di Sekitar Kita. Tawangmangu: Balai Besar Penelitian dan pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obat Tradisional.