
Beware of Corona Virus, Don’t Forget to Clean Your Cell Phones and Laptops!

"In the midst of the corona virus outbreak in Indonesia, prevention and caution must be carried out properly. Cellphones and laptops are two things we touch the most. There is nothing wrong with cleaning them regularly and periodically -just in case."

Published by : administrator  -  27/04/2020 16:54 WIB

2 Minutes read.

Cellphones and laptops are two, practically, inseparable stuffs of our daily activities. In fact, these two gadgets have the high possibility of being the hosts for germs or bacteria and viruses. According to research in Germany, the corona virus can live on metal, glass or plastic surfaces for up to nine days. Therefore, cleaning cellphones and laptops can be a way to prevent being exposed to the corona virus.

The following are tips for cleaning cellphones and laptops from Jamupedia.com:

How to clean a cell phone

  1. Unplug all cables connected to the cellphone and turn off the cellphone.
  2. Remove the cellphone from the case, if the cellphone uses a case.
  3. Wash your hands first!
  4. Spray or dampen a microfiber cloth with soapy water.
  5. Gently wipe the screen and back in one direction.
  6. Wipe the phone with a dry microfiber cloth.

How to clean a laptop

  1. Make sure the laptop or computer is turned off.
  2. Remove the battery if possible.
  3. Gently pat the back to make sure all the dust that sticks out.
  4. Use a disinfectant cleaner to clean the area around your computer or laptop.
  5. Clean the keyboard keys.
  6. Wipe the phone with a dry microfiber cloth.

Do the tips above regularly and periodically to prevent germs, bacteria and viruses from sticking your cellphones and laptops.



 Wolipop Lifestyle di akses pada 26 April 2020

Kontan.co.id di akses pada 26 April 2020

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