
Katuk Series (3): Easy Ways to Grow Your Own Katuk at Home

"Katuk can grow in tropical areas. In Indonesia, katuk can grow and thrive well in an altitude of 0-2,100 m above sea level, though for areas higher than 1,300 m above sea level, the katuk plant grows quite slowly. Katuk are also tolerant of shady conditions so it suits well for a home garden plant."

Published by : administrator  -  30/05/2020 18:42 WIB

2 Minutes read.

A characteristic of the katuk (Sauropus androgynus, also known as star gooseberry or sweet leave), is that it has wide adaptability to various types of soils. However, the ideal soil conditions help katuk to have optimal growth. In other words, along with fertile soil rich of humus, it should also need to have good aeration and drainage, has a pH between 5.5 – 6.5 and enough water.


Image source: https://jurustani.com/

Katuk plant cultivation methods include land preparation, seed selection, planting, maintenance and harvesting.

1. Land Preparation

Soil is the main medium for katuk and must be prepared as well as possible. The best time for tillage is the end of the dry season or the beginning of the rainy season. The planting area can be prepared, made of bamboo in the form a square, rectangle or circle.

2. Selection of Seeds

Katuk seeding are carried out in vegetative way, namely using stem cuttings from plants that are about 6-12 months old in good condition. The selected seeds are then planted in polybags mixed with fertilizer. Water regularly every morning and evening. Make sure the poly bag is in humid conditions.

3. Planting

Katuk seeds that have started to sprout are transferred to the provided land. Make a hole 10-15 cm deep and 20 × 20 cm apart. Insert the seeds from the polybag into the hole and fill with soil. Water regularly in the morning and evening for 2 months, then reduce watering.

Sumber gambar: http://pkht.ipb.ac.id/

4. Maintenance

Replanting is carried out on wilted or dead plants with new plants. Replanting is carried out in 3-4 weeks after planting. Weed cleaning can be done at any time. Watering is done once a day using clean water. Meanwhile, fertilization is done 2x a month with solid fertilizer or fermented fertilizer.

5. Harvesting

Katuk can be harvested after 8-15 months. The crops, it leaves, can be used as vegetables, salad, medicine/jamu. The market price for Katuk leaves is around Rp. 5000 – Rp. 6000/ bunch (around $ 0.35 /bunch).

As we can see here, the cultivation of katuk plant is easy. All you need is a plot of land or even several plant boxes and your love of greeneries.



Elshabrina. 2018. 33 Daun Dahsyat Tumpas Berbagai Macam Penyakit. Yogyakarta: C-klik Media

Kardiman, Agus dan Ruhnayat. Agus. 2003. Budi Daya Tanaman Obat Secara Organik. Yogyakarta: AgroMedia Pustaka.

Rukmana, Rahmat dan Harahap, Indra Mukti. 2009. Katuk: Potensi dan Manfaatnya. Yogyakarta: Kanisius



Yuk, Mengenal Daun Katuk!

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