
Stamina-boosting Jamu During Fasting

"We need enough energy to carry out daily routines well. Energy comes from the intake of food and drinks we consume. In addition, exercise and taking supplements can also increase stamina. However, when fasting the body does not get food intake like a normal day. Therefore, to maintain stamina, you can drink a stamina-boosting jamu!"

Published by : administrator  -  27/05/2020 14:20 WIB

2 Minutes read.

Stamina-boosting jamu are made from natural ingredients such as temulawak (Java ginger, Curcuma zanthorrhiza), turmeric, and ginger. These three rhizomes contain curcumin to increase endurance so that stamina is also maintained. Because it is made from natural ingredients, of course, we do not need to hesitate to consume this jamu every day because it does not cause harmful side effects. It’s even safer if you make it yourselves, as you can really pay attention to the ingredients and processes.

Image source: https://www.tribunnews.com/

During the month of Ramadan, stamina-boosting jamu can be consumed at dawn and iftar. Before drinking stamina-enhancing jamu. Drink it after you eat your foods. Here’s how to make the stamina jamu.


  • 8 pieces temulawak
  • 6 pieces turmeric
  • 3 pieces ginger
  • +- 500 ml Water

How to make:

  1. Wash all ingredients.
  2. Put it in the water to boil.
  3. When it boils, strain the brew into a glass.
  4. Wait until it cools down before consuming.

In addition to maintaining stamina, the natural ingredient in the jamu acts as an antioxidant to counteract free radicals, so that the body stays fit and does not get sick easily.


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