5 Variations of Delicious Katuk Leaf Food Recipes: The Breast Milk Booster “Sayur Bening Katuk Jagung Manis”
Published by : administrator - 31/05/2020 13:58 WIB
2 Minutes read.
The second choice of katuk leaf food recipe is Sayur Bening Katuk Jagung Manis (Katuk & Sweet Corn Clear Vegetable Soup). As the name suggests, this vegetable has a clear broth with a distinctive aroma of kencur/aromatic ginger (Kaempferia galangal). This soup is most enjoyable with dadar jagung (corn omelet) and sambal tomat (tomato sauce) as a complement. However, with additional katuk (Sauropus androgynus, also known as star gooseberry or sweet leave) leaves, you can also try the recipe for increasing breast milk production.
Image source: cookpad.com
Here’s how to make the yummy soup.
- 3 cups of katuk leaves
- 2 ears of corn
- 2 pieces of oyong/ridged gourd (Luffa acutangula)
- 5 shallots (thinly sliced)
- 3 cloves of garlic (finely sliced)
- 2-3cm temu kunci/Finger root or kencur/aromatic ginger (crush)
- Water, salt, and sugar to taste
How to make:
- Boil water
- Put in all the spices, cook until fragrant
- Put in corn, let stand until cooked
- Add oyong, katuk leaves and tomato, stir until wilted
- Remove from fire and serve
Widyanti, Elok. 2015. Tanaman Untuk Pelancar Asi di Sekitar Kita. Tawangmangu: Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obat tradisional
Daun Katuk, Sahabat Ibu Menyusui
Cara Mudah Menanam Tanaman Katuk Sendiri di Rumah
5 Variasi Resep Makanan Daun Katuk Lezat, Asupan ASI Booster – Bobor Katuk Podomoro
5 Variasi Resep Makanan Daun Katuk Lezat, Asupan ASI Booster – Rolade Daun Katuk
5 Variasi Resep Makanan Daun Katuk Lezat, Asupan ASI Booster – Kue Daun Katuk