Jamu Galian Singset (1): Jamu Galian Singset for a Healthy Slim Body
"In a Yogyakarta’s Jamu Drinking Festival, 2,500 cups from 18 types of jamu were distributed, namely temulawak, secang, kencur, pahitan, semelak, sehat pria, galian singset, bir pletok, terlambat bulan, watukan, serbat, pegal linu, sereh, kunyit asam, uyup-uyup, cabe puyang, wedang tetep and gula asam. From the series of herbs distributed, jamu galian singset is one of the bestselling herbs, especially among women. Because langsing singset (slim and in shape) is every woman's dream "Published by : administrator - 20/11/2019 11:49 WIB
2 Minutes read.
Jamu galian singset is not only good for maintaining your body shape. This jamu can also get rid of various beauty problems like preventing saggy faces, eliminating acne, preventing premature aging, overcoming some pubic problems and other benefits in rejuvenating our bodies. Jamu Galian Singset also suits well for postpartum mothers, as it can tighten loose parts of the body after birth.
Jamu galian singsset now available in a variety of packages: powders, tablets, capsules and traditional jamu. Jamu galian singset are readily available in the market. However, you can also kae yourself at home. The ingredients are ginger, Kencur/aromatic ginger (Kaempferia galangal), turmeric, leaves of jati Belanda/Bastard Cedar (Guazuma ulmifolia), lempuyang/bitter ginger (Zingiber zerumbet), bangle/bonglai (Zingiber montanum), leaves tempuyung/sow thistles (Sonchus arvensis), black cumin and others. For optimum results, drink this jamu galian singset regularly.
You can read a variety of other jamu galian singset recipes in these following articles.
Bagian 2 https://en.jamupedia.com/langsing-dengan-7-bahan-di-sekitar-kita/
Bagian 3 https://en.jamupedia.com/kesebelasan-rempah-idola-kaum-hawa/
Bagian 4 https://en.jamupedia.com/selain-galian-singset-ada-juga-galian-putri/
Bagian 5 https://en.jamupedia.com/trio-bahan-alami-untuk-singset-langsing/
Bagian 6 https://en.jamupedia.com/?p=520&preview=true
Bagian 7 https://en.jamupedia.com/1-bahan-jamu-galian-singset/
Romuli, Horatius; Romuli, Sebastian. 2015. JAMU: 38 Racikan Jamu Nikmat Sehat Warisan Nenek Moyang. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama