
Here Are Awesome Ideas You Can Do to Celebrate National Jamu Day

National Jamu Day 2022 is celebrated on 27 May. Because the post-pandemic conditions are getting better this year, the 2022 ...[More]

Getting to Know to Herbs on National Jamu Day 2022

Hari Jamu Nasional (National Jamu Day) is celebrated every 27 May. The year 2022 will be in its 14th year. ...[More]

The Origin of National Jamu Day Commemoration

Jamu has become an inseparable part of Indonesia, especially for people in Java. Traditional jamu has been believed as a ...[More]

Happy Jamu Day, Jamu Is a Signature of a Mother’s Love

A jamu gendong seller probably reminded you of a typical Javanese woman in batik or lurik clothes and a long ...[More]