
Beautiful Clean & White Skin with Lulur Bengkoang

"Not a few women are willing to go to a salon or spa and spend a lot of money for treatments. It's no secret that the cost of skin and body treatments can cost hundreds to millions of rupiah. However, you can get clean white skin only with natural ingredients that you can find in traditional markets."

Published by : Wahyu untara  -  24/05/2024 16:44 WIB

1 Minutes read.

Bengkoang (Jicama, Pachyrhizus erosus) has vitamin E which is effective in making the skin look beautiful, white and clean. This is evidenced by the number of cosmetic products that use the basic ingredients of bengkoang for skin care. One of them is lulur bengkoang (bengkoang scrub).

It’s easy to make a lulur bengkoang.


  • 2 pieces of bengkoang
  • Honey as needed

How to make:

  1. Peel and wash the bengkoang then grated / blender until smooth.
  2. Mix with honey as needed and stir evenly.
  3. Apply on the body and let stand for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse with clean water and wipe with a towel by patting it.
  5. Do it repeatedly 2 times a week on a regular basis and get beautiful white and clean skin.



Suparni, Ibunda dan Wulandari, Ari. 2017. Herbal Bali: Khasiat & Ramuan Tradisional Asli dari Bali. Yogyakarta: Rapha Publishing

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