
Jamu Galian Singset part (6): Galian Singset A la Keraton!

"For a long time now, a beautiful face of a palace princess has been a benchmark for Javanese women’s standard of beauty. For all her beautiful and charm, a palace princess has secret body care recipes. One of them is the jamu galian singset."

Published by : administrator  -  21/11/2019 11:55 WIB

2 Minutes read.

A recipe for jamu galian singset a la puteri keraton (palace’s princess) is written in the book Pengobatan Tradisional dengan Jamu Ala Keraton Sebagai Warisan turun Menurun (Traditional Medicine with the jamu  a la palace as a legacy). This book clearly explains the efficacy of the jamu galian singset.

Jamu galian singset makes you slimmer and in shape. The materials for jamu galian singset are taken from plants that are abound around us in Java. This jamu is safe to use without any harmful side effects.

This palace-style jamu galian singset can easily be made at home. The ingredients are also affordable. Here’s how to make the herb:


  • 1 noni fruit
  • 5 g tamarind
  • 10 g Bangle/bonglai (Zingiber montanum)
  • 8 g lempuyang/bitter ginger (Zingiber zerumbet)
  • 7 g leaves of kemuning/orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata)

How to make:

  1. Mash all the ingredients.
  2. Mix with enough water then filter it.
  3. Drink half a glass in the morning and the rest in the afternoon.

As women, it’s natural to look after and care for our body. But it should be noted that we also need to take care of your body wisely with body care products, choose one without side effects that can ruin your health.

You can read a variety of other jamu galian singset recipes in the following articles.

Bagian 1 https://en.jamupedia.com/jamu-galian-singset-untuk-tubuh-langsing-sehat/

Bagian 2 https://en.jamupedia.com/langsing-dengan-7-bahan-di-sekitar-kita/

Bagian 3 https://en.jamupedia.com/kesebelasan-rempah-idola-kaum-hawa/

Bagian 4 https://en.jamupedia.com/selain-galian-singset-ada-juga-galian-putri/

Bagian 5 https://en.jamupedia.com/trio-bahan-alami-untuk-singset-langsing/

Bagian 7  https://en.jamupedia.com/1-bahan-jamu-galian-singset/



Hanum, Musyri’ah. 2011. Pengobatan Tradisional dengan Jamu Ala Keraton Sebagai Warisan Turun Menurun. Yogyakarta: ANDI


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