
Bunga Telang Series (4): The Refreshing and healthy Telang drinks

Published by : administrator  -  26/11/2020 08:46 WIB

3 Minutes read.

A cup of telang tea is priced at around Rp. 30,000 – 40,000 in certain coffee shops. Enjoy it with a plate of French fries and completes your lovely weekend. Or you may make the drink yourself and sip it under the shade of your cool porch with your family.

Image source: www.dewimagazine.com

Here are some bunga telang drink recipes that you can try at home.

1. Blue Pea Tea

Not your usual golden-brown tea, you got a beautiful blue cup of tea instead. You may brew teh bunga telang (Blue Pea Tea) in the morning, afternoon or evening.



  • 20 fresh bunga telang
  • Sugar to taste
  • Enough water

How to make:

  1. Wash the bunga telang, then boil them with water.
  2. Once the water turned a deep blue color, turn off the stove.
  3. Filter the water and dissolve it with rock sugar/granulated sugar according to your taste.
  4. Serve and enjoy while hot. In a hot day, you may add it ice cube for a more refreshing taste.

2. Iced Lemon Tea with Bunga Telang

Bunga telang brew has a plain taste, so if you want to enjoy the freshness, you can add lemon juice, lemongrass or other fresh fruits which will make the color changes to pretty shades of blue and purple. So, for a glass of Iced Lemon Tea with Bunga Telang, you can make the following recipes:


  • 20 fresh telang flowers
  • 1-2 lemons
  • Sugar to taste
  • Enough air

How to make:

  1. Wash the bunga telang, boil them with water.
  2. After the water turns dark blue, turn the stove off.
  3. Filter the water and dissolve it with rock sugar/granulated sugar according to your taste.
  4. Add lime juice, adjust the acidity level.
  5. Serve and enjoy it while it’s hot or you can add ice cubes if you want it served cold.

3. Butterfly Pea Coffee

For coffee fans, you should try this rare blend. A combination of coffee brew with bunga telang and fresh milk, is not only enjoyable, it looks visually attractive as well. Here’s how to make it.


  • 2 shots of espresso
  • 200 ml of boiling water
  • 200 ml of fresh milk
  • 30 bunga telang
  • 250 ml of hot water
  • 50 gr sugar/according to your taste
  • Ice cubes, as needed

How to make:

  1. Brew the bunga telang until they turn white. Strain and cool.
  2. Prepare 2 shots of espresso.
  3. Pour the bunga telang juice into a glass and add ice cubes.
  4. Pour the milk into the glass slowly, so as not to spoil the color gradation.
  5. Pour the espresso slowly too, wait a few moments for the beautiful color to show.
  6. Butterfly Pea Coffee is ready to be served and enjoyed.

So, after seeing those recipes, what you like to enjoy first? Or you’d like to enjoy all of them? After all, they are good drinks and deserve a good try.


For other information read the following articles:

Mengenal Bunga Telang Sang Biru yang Mempesona

Sering dijumpai, Bunga Telang Si Cantik yang Berkhasiat Obat

Begini Nih, Caranya Budidaya Bunga Telang Di Rumah!

Bunga Telang dalam Segelas Minuman yang Lezat dan Sehat

Nasi Biru Bunga Telang yang Gurih

Puding Lapis Bunga Telang yang Manis dan Lembut 

Klepon Bunga Telang yang Kenyal dan Gurih