Lately, many people hunted jamu for an immune-boosting drink so that they are not susceptible to disease. Many people are ...[More]
About 10 years ago, arak Bali (Balinese arrack, local kind of alcoholic drink) was the talk of most people. Arak ...[More]
Quoted from, comes from the Javanese language which means a mixture of rice and kencur (galangal) or other spices ...[More]
Bir pletok emerged during the Dutch colonial administration. At that time the Dutch aristocrats had a habit of serving beer, ...[More]
Quoted from, param comes from the Javanese language, parem, which means a mixture of rice and kencur (galangal) or ...[More]
Coughing is a body’s natural response to external unwanted particles entering the body. Coughing helps the body to clear mucus ...[More]
Mengkudu (noni, Morinda citrifolia) is known in Indonesia by various names. The Javanese call it pace or kemudu, the Madurese ...[More]
Having smooth and clean facial skin is everyone’s dream. Unfortunately, when you look in the mirror, sometimes you see a ...[More]