#, #, #, #, #, # - 25 Mar, 2024

Wedang Jamani, A Natural Herb for Coughs and Colds

  Coughing is the body’s natural response when the respiratory system faces external disruptions. A cough during cold or fever ...[More]

#, #, # - 29 Oct, 2021

4 Jahe Merah Drinks to Boost Immunity During Pandemic

Jahe itself has three varieties, but jahe merah is considered the most superior because it has the highest level of ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 13 Apr, 2021

Herbs for Elderly Women Complaints

Passing over the age of 50 years, the immune system begins to decline. The ability and function of the body’s ...[More]

Herb Cookies, Healthy Snacks for Eid

Indonesian spices, apart from being made into drinks/herbs or processed as a mixture of dishes, can also be processed into ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 20 Feb, 2020

Having Motion sickness? Drink This Ginger Tea Before Traveling!

Motion sickness is the nauseous, dizzy, and weak feelings when riding in a vehicle. This condition is usually triggered by ...[More]

#, #, #, #, #, # - 10 Feb, 2020

Wow, It Turns Out Bandrek Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels!

Jamupedia friends, bandrek is a drink native to Indonesia, precisely from Sunda areas (West Java). Bandrek has a very distinctive ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 12 Nov, 2019

Jahe Herb to Relieve Toothache

Toothache causes excruciating pain. It hinders our activities. It should be treated immediately, otherwise it affects the health of other ...[More]