#, #, #, # - 25 Nov, 2019

Simbar Pedang to Get Rid of Itchy Skin

Itching is unavoidable and can kappen at any time. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t be treated. Generally, you treat ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 12 Nov, 2019

Mouth Sprue and Daun Jarak

Mouth sprue is a ‘simple’ disease, but very annoying. Any delicious food will be torturous if you have sprue. Sprue ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 12 Nov, 2019

The Anti-Rheumatic Param Kunyit

Rheumatism attacks our muscles and joints. The nagging pain often prevent us from doing our daily activities. Because muscles or ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 12 Nov, 2019

Kunyit Asam and Our Immune Systems

Various ways have been done to keep the immune system in top condition, from eating healthy foods to dangerous instant ...[More]

Jukut Pendul to Relieve Itchy Skin

Allergies often cause itchy skin. One of herb plants to treat itchy skin is jukut pendul/kyllinga weed (Kyllinga brevifolia). It ...[More]

#, #, #, #, #, # - 29 Oct, 2019

Daun Suji, Your Natural Hemorrhoids Cure

Is it true that prolonging sit in front of the TV or laptop can cause of hemorrhoids? Not so. The ...[More]