#, #, # - 29 Oct, 2021

4 Jahe Merah Drinks to Boost Immunity During Pandemic

Jahe itself has three varieties, but jahe merah is considered the most superior because it has the highest level of ...[More]

#, # - 27 Oct, 2021

Not Only for Cooking, Here Are Healthy Menus with Kapulaga Jawa

Kapulaga Jawa (Javanese cardamom) has the Latin name Amomum Compactum. This plant, which is still in the family with gingers, ...[More]

- 21 Oct, 2021

Pasar Jamu Nguter is Crowded with Visitors During the Pandemic

Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, has a traditional market that is a unique market different from other regular markets. The market, ...[More]

- 15 Oct, 2021

6 Tips for Decocting Jamu at Home

Similar to cooking, processing jamu also has diverse rules to be obeyed. This needs to be adhered to avoid a ...[More]

- 15 Oct, 2021

Don’t Get It Wrong, Here Are Tips on How to Choose A Good Kluwek

Choosing the right kluwek (football fruit, Pangium edule) for cooking spices is important, because kluwek is used to flavor the ...[More]

- 15 Oct, 2021

Obat Masuk Angin Cair is Selling Well in the Market, Let’s Find Out What in It

Before discussing further about obat masuk angin cair, we need to understand the meaning of masuk angin in general. Actually, ...[More]

A Brief of Kemangi Plant

During our lunch with grilled chicken or fried chicken, we often find kemangi leaves as a complement or salad. The ...[More]

3 Simple & Healthy Takjil Menu for Iftar

Iftar often makes our appetite go ‘crazy’ and pay no attention to the nutrient’s intake of our body. Although sweet ...[More]

#, #, #, #, #, # - 06 May, 2021

5+ Safe Ways to drink Jamu during Fasting

Basically, there are no restrictions on consuming jamu during fasting, as stated by dr. Ingrid Tania in live with jamupedia ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 04 May, 2021

Not just for Salad, Kemangi has Many Benefits for Health

Kemangi (lemon basil, Ocinum sanctum) is a herb often served along with cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage as vegetables. Even so, ...[More]